set HyperTextList = [] set VideoList = [] @ BRASED HEART OF VEAL Tie up the hearts with a thread to keep firm. Fry gently in an oil-butter mixture in a large casserole. Add the skinned onions, brown. Then put in the pared carrots, brown them as well. Add the bouquet garni, garlic, salt and pepper. Moisten with the white wine and the stock. Cover and cook for an hour. To serve, slice the hearts, surround with the vegetables and serve the reduced sauce separately. @ 2 veal hearts 2 lbs carrots 20 small onions 1/3 cup butter 1 tbsp oil 1/2 bottle dry white wine 7 tbsp poultry stock 1 bouquet garni 3 cloves garlic salt, pepper @ 10 mn @ 80 mn @ Serve with a Beaujolais-Villages or a white wine such as the one used for the cooking. @ Ile-de-France @ Meat @ @ Beaujolais @